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Renewable Vibes > News > Enviroment > German climate activists are urged to explore alternative tactics and abandon their practice of gluing themselves to streets.

German climate activists are urged to explore alternative tactics and abandon their practice of gluing themselves to streets.

A climate activist group in Germany has announced that it will no longer use the tactic of gluing themselves to streets to block traffic. The Last Generation group, known for frequently blocking roads in Berlin and other cities, has decided to shift their focus to holding “disobedient assemblies.” This new approach involves organizing large gatherings that cannot be ignored.

Over the past two years, the Last Generation group has employed various tactics to raise awareness about climate change. In addition to blocking roads, they have also sprayed orange paint on Berlin’s iconic Brandenburg Gate. However, their actions have faced widespread criticism, with Chancellor Olaf Scholz describing them as “completely nutty.”

Despite the criticism, the group claims that the number of demonstrators has significantly increased in the past two years. They have now decided to adopt a different form of protest that will remain unignorable. Starting from March, they plan to hold disobedient assemblies with a large number of participants, instead of dividing into small groups to block roads. They also intend to directly confront politicians and decision-makers in public and on camera, holding them accountable for climate destruction.

Furthermore, the Last Generation group plans to increase their protests at locations associated with fossil fuel industries. This includes targeting airports, oil pipelines, and energy companies. By doing so, they aim to draw attention to the destructive impact of these industries on the environment.

However, the group’s recent actions have been overshadowed by protests against Germany’s far right and other demonstrations, such as those led by farmers protesting cuts to their diesel subsidies. Despite this, the Last Generation group remains committed to its cause and hopes to make a lasting impact in the fight against climate change.

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