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Renewable Vibes > News > Enviroment > YouTube climate change deniers have recently seen a shift in their stance, as new disinformation campaigns emerge to generate significant profits.

YouTube climate change deniers have recently seen a shift in their stance, as new disinformation campaigns emerge to generate significant profits.

Youtubers and the platform are reaping huge profits, thanks to their ability to skillfully blend truth and misinformation. The industry has become so sophisticated that it requires significant time and expertise to debunk the content. Interestingly, even comments from dissenting voices contribute to the reach of these channels, as every interaction counts. Moreover, engagement is further boosted by controversial topics.

YouTube generates millions of dollars by placing ads on such channels. A study analyzing 12,000 videos from 100 channels estimates that these videos are worth approximately $13.4 million annually. The profit is divided between the content creators and the platform, with a split of around 55:45 or 60:40 respectively.

However, these numbers only scratch the surface. Imran Ahmed, Executive Director and Founder of the Centre for Countering Digital Hate, suggests that there are many more channels out there, indicating that the actual worth of the industry could be in the range of $100 to $200 million.

Imran Ahmed provided this information in an interview with Living On Earth. The full interview can be accessed on their website.

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