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The Anticipated Experience at the 2024 BioSolutions Conference & Expo

The 2024 BioSolutions Conference & Expo, scheduled for March 4-6 in Visalia, CA, is an event dedicated to exploring the use of biological tools and associated technologies as sustainable production solutions for specialty crop growers and advisers in North America. This conference not only provides an opportunity to learn about the latest advancements in the industry but also facilitates networking and the exchange of solutions for common challenges.

The conference will focus on three key areas:

1. Cutting-Edge Biological Products: Participants will delve into the realm of biological products, including micronutrients and beneficial insects, to understand how these elements are reshaping North American agriculture for the better.

2. Technological Innovations and Tools: Attendees will explore non-traditional inputs, new biological technologies, and supporting tools that are revolutionizing agriculture. From soil testing kits to drones and application techniques, these advancements are maximizing the efficacy of biologicals.

3. Sustainability in Agriculture: The conference will highlight how biological products, in conjunction with cutting-edge technology, contribute to sustainable crop production. Participants will also learn about methods to adapt to extreme weather conditions for long-term viability.

In addition to these focus areas, the conference will feature breakout presentations specifically for greenhouse growers. These presentations include topics such as the research on Thrips parvispinus, biorational products for botrytis control in floriculture production, understanding microbial products, and anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD) for controlling soilborne pathogens in protected agriculture.

Furthermore, the conference will offer a range of presentations aimed at specialty crop growers of all types. These presentations include a keynote address by Paul Brierley, Director of Agriculture for the state of Arizona, on partnerships for the future of specialty crop agriculture. There will also be presentations on the compatibility of biopesticides with traditional chemistry and bios, as well as a look into monitoring and application technologies for integrated pest management (IPM).

Attendees of the BioSolutions Conference & Expo will also have the opportunity to participate in tours of specialty crop operations and research fields, where they can witness sustainable production methods and biological products in action. Lunch will be provided during these tours, and advance registration is required.

Lastly, the conference will feature two post-event workshops. The first workshop will focus on pest identification and control in greenhouse operations and the field, providing techniques to improve integrated pest management programs. The second workshop, titled “Gear Up for the California Roadmap to Sustainable Pest Management,” aims to equip growers and other stakeholders for success as California works towards sustainable pest management by 2050.

The 2024 BioSolutions Conference & Expo is presented by Meister Media Worldwide and powered by Greenhouse Grower, American Fruit Grower, and American Vegetable Grower. It promises to be an informative and valuable event for specialty crop growers and industry professionals alike.

About the Author:
Brian D. Sparks is the senior editor of Greenhouse Grower and You can find more of his articles on the website.

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