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Construction must now take climate change into consideration.

The Skowhegan redevelopment project has been successful in the past, so when I read the article about the Solon Manufacturing building seeking millions of dollars to repair the damage caused by the recent flooding, I was perplexed. The article did not mention any plans to redesign the lowest level of the building to accommodate future flooding, which is likely to become a reality due to climate change.

To my surprise, when I turned the page, I came across an editorial titled “Questioning Whether to Rebuild or Relocate,” which discussed the need to rethink our approach to rebuilding in light of the new reality we face. The timing of this editorial was perfect.

The proposed project for the Solon building is ambitious and would be a great reuse of a historically significant structure. However, it would likely be easier to secure funding if there was a well-engineered plan in place for flood water mitigation.

I applaud the efforts of the Skowhegan community and their commitment to this project. They are certainly on the right track.

– Ann Roberts, Skowhegan

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