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Renewable Vibes > News > Blog > Climate scientist Mark Maslin asserts that the current array of technology at our disposal is more than sufficient for transitioning towards a greener and renewable world.

Climate scientist Mark Maslin asserts that the current array of technology at our disposal is more than sufficient for transitioning towards a greener and renewable world.

Prof Mark Maslin, a renowned climate change researcher and professor of Earth system science at University College London (UCL), has recently collaborated with comedian Jo Brand to create an online film aimed at translating climate science for a wider audience. He is also the lead organizer of the Love Your Planet event, in partnership with Al Gore’s charity, the Climate Reality Project, and the Climate Cafe at UCL.

The official confirmation that 2023 was the hottest year on record and that we are likely to exceed the 1.5C temperature rise limit in the next 12 months has raised concerns among experts. Prof Maslin explains that last year’s record-breaking temperatures were expected, with 200 out of the 365 days being the hottest ever recorded for those dates. The current temperature is already 1.48C above pre-industrial levels, which is worryingly close to the 1.5C limit set by the Paris agreement. Additionally, the onset of El Niño in the Pacific Ocean could temporarily push temperatures beyond the limit in 2024.

When asked about the possibility of more extreme weather events in 2024, Prof Maslin points out that there were over 220 extreme climate events in 2023, resulting in a 30% increase in fatalities compared to the previous year. Heatwaves, wildfires, and floods were observed across different regions, including North America, southern Europe, China, Asia, and East Africa. He emphasizes that no continent was unaffected by extreme weather events, and our ability to cope with them is diminishing. Prof Maslin also dispels the misconception that the UK had a poor summer in 2023, highlighting that it experienced the hottest July on record and the second hottest year overall. He warns that 2024 could be even hotter and bring more extreme weather events as El Niño intensifies.

As a professor of Earth system science, Prof Maslin’s research focuses on climate change in the past, present, and future. He investigates various aspects, such as early human evolution in East Africa, the evolution of the Anthropocene, the impacts of climate change on society, and future resource crises.

Recently, Prof Maslin and his colleagues conducted a study on the carbon footprint of private jet flights to the Cop climate meetings. While acknowledging the necessity of world leaders attending these meetings, he suggests that not all 100,000 attendees at Cop28 needed to be physically present. Prof Maslin emphasizes the importance of these conferences, where 198 countries come together to address climate change issues and make significant commitments.

Prof Maslin also praises his collaboration with comedian Jo Brand in an online film that aimed to convey the message of climate science in a relatable way. Brand’s humorous interpretation of governments subsidizing fossil fuel companies resonated with audiences. Both Prof Maslin and Brand share similar views and backgrounds, which fostered a strong connection between them during the project.

Regarding climate optimism, Prof Maslin asserts that we have all the necessary technology to transition to a cleaner, renewable world. He highlights the exponential growth of solar energy, wind power, and electric vehicle batteries. Additionally, 90% of the world’s economy has committed to achieving net-zero emissions at some point this century. While the progress is encouraging, Prof Maslin emphasizes the need for faster action.

Prof Maslin is organizing the Love Your Planet event at UCL in collaboration with the Climate Reality Project. The event will feature panels, talks, and networking opportunities to facilitate collaboration among businesses, politicians, academics, and activists in accelerating the green transition. The event will also include a video introduction from Al Gore. Prof Maslin intends to use humor to engage the audience and encourage them to reflect on their relationship with their loved ones and the planet.

In conclusion, Prof Mark Maslin’s work encompasses a wide range of climate change research, and he actively strives to communicate scientific findings to a broader audience. He emphasizes the urgency of addressing climate change and the need for collective action to ensure a sustainable future.

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