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Bergen and Middlesex teenagers form research collective to address climate change

2023 Declared Hottest Year on Record by Copernicus Climate Change Service

2023 has been officially declared as the hottest year on record by the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service. This announcement comes as no surprise considering the increasing global temperatures and the urgent need for action to combat climate change.

The rising temperatures have far-reaching consequences for the environment and human health. The impacts of climate change are becoming more evident and pose significant threats to our planet. It is crucial that global leaders take this research into consideration and implement policies and bills to address these issues.

In response to the alarming state of our environment, William Song, a senior at Fort Lee’s Bergen County Academies, and Aadithya Srinivasan, a senior at Wardlaw + Hartridge High School in Edison, have joined forces to establish a nonprofit think tank called EcoHarmony. The organization aims to raise awareness about environmental issues, conduct research, and tackle the root causes of problems like climate change.

Despite living in different parts of the state, Song and Srinivasan share a passion for computer science, research, and the environment, which brought them together. EcoHarmony, which was founded in 2021, focuses on recycling initiatives within their school communities. They even created a website that allows people to input the amount of pounds they recycle.

However, the scope of EcoHarmony’s work extends beyond local efforts. Srinivasan’s interest in artificial intelligence and Song’s interest in public health have led them to delve into scientific research to address issues like climate change. They are utilizing artificial intelligence, specifically recurrent neural networks, to analyze policy information and health impacts related to climate change.

EcoHarmony has already made significant strides in its mission. The organization has tracked the recycling of 18,500 pounds and has established five chapters in New Jersey, New York, Singapore, and China. With over 150 members, EcoHarmony continues to grow and make a difference.

In August, the EcoHarmony team presented their research virtually at the STATPHYS28 conference in Tokyo. Their work focused on using Quantum Monte Carlo, a mathematical method, to simulate transition metal oxides. These compounds are crucial in reducing carbon dioxide emissions and have the potential to convert CO2 into useful organic compounds or fuels.

The ultimate goal of EcoHarmony is to present their research to the scientific community and global leaders. By spreading awareness and providing valuable research, they hope to influence policies and bills that address climate change effectively.

The dedication and passion of young individuals like Song and Srinivasan give hope for a better future. They serve as a reminder that everyone has a role to play in protecting our environment and combating climate change.

Ricardo Kaulessar,’s reporter covering race, immigration, and culture, contributed to this article.

For more information, please contact Ricardo Kaulessar at or follow him on Twitter at @ricardokaul.

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