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Renewable Vibes > News > Enviroment > A recent study suggests that feral pigs and donkeys could offer ecological benefits rather than being seen solely as a problem.

A recent study suggests that feral pigs and donkeys could offer ecological benefits rather than being seen solely as a problem.

A new study published in Science argues against the bias against “feral” or “invasive” animals, stating that they play a vital role in rewilding ecosystems. The study challenges the belief that some species belong in a particular landscape while others do not. It suggests that the distinction between native and introduced species is not helpful in understanding how ecosystems work. The study highlights the importance of size and dietary preferences in determining a species’ impact on the surrounding ecosystem. It argues that introduced species have counteracted the decline in populations of big plant-eating mammals. The study also questions the effectiveness of costly eradication campaigns against feral animals. It provides examples of how feral animals can have environmentally beneficial impacts, such as creating space for new plant growth and trapping water in dry landscapes. The study emphasizes that decisions

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