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Renewable Vibes > News > Sustainable Living > UMC Metals and New Energy Capital have recently entered into a solar power purchase agreement (PPA) in Thailand, marking a significant step towards promoting sustainability in the country. The agreement entails the installation of a 1.6MWp solar photovoltaic (PV) system, which will generate clean energy to power UMC Metals’ operations.

UMC Metals and New Energy Capital have recently entered into a solar power purchase agreement (PPA) in Thailand, marking a significant step towards promoting sustainability in the country. The agreement entails the installation of a 1.6MWp solar photovoltaic (PV) system, which will generate clean energy to power UMC Metals’ operations.

New Energy Capital Asia has announced a groundbreaking agreement with UMC Metals Ltd, which marks a significant milestone in Thailand’s renewable energy landscape. The agreement involves a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for a 1.6MWp solar project that will feature both floating and ground-mounted solar installations.

Under the partnership, New Energy Capital Asia will design, construct, and operate the solar project with a capacity of 1.6MWp. The project aims to generate approximately 2,400 megawatt-hours (MWh) of clean energy annually, which will power UMC Metals Ltd’s operations. This initiative contributes to a greener and more sustainable future.

One of the notable aspects of the project is the use of innovative floating solar panels. Leveraging Thailand’s abundant water resources, these panels will efficiently and sustainably generate electricity. This approach showcases the project’s commitment to utilizing renewable energy sources in an environmentally friendly manner.

The PPA between New Energy Capital Asia and UMC Metals Ltd extends for 15 years, ensuring the long-term access of UMC Metals Ltd to clean and cost-effective energy. This commitment aligns with Thailand’s renewable energy objectives and supports the country’s transition to a more sustainable energy sector.

By transitioning to solar energy, UMC Metals Ltd and New Energy Capital Asia aim to collectively reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by approximately 1,860 tons annually. This reduction in carbon footprint demonstrates their dedication to environmental responsibility and sustainability.

Overall, this solar PPA agreement not only accelerates UMC Metals Ltd’s sustainability journey but also paves the way for a cleaner and more eco-conscious energy sector in Thailand. New Energy Capital Asia takes pride in collaborating with UMC Metals Ltd and participating in this crucial step towards a more sustainable future.

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